I follow, Another Day Stonger, who suddenly lost their precious 4 month old Maddie 1 month ago today. Maddie's mama asked that in Maddie's honor, you hug/kiss/love on your babies a little extra today & take their picture. So....

Evelyn had her 4 month check up today. She is in the 95 % for her weight (16lbs 9oz, shocker!), 90% for height (25.25 inches) and 50% for head size (41.2cm). I was concerned that she had not started to "roll" over yet but she decided to try it for the first time IN the doctors office! She had to have two shots and did better than I did. I hate the pause cry...it means that it REALLY hurts. All in all a perfect healthy little girl!

1 comment:
That little doll is so freaking cute! I love the mirror pictures, and she is such a cute chubby angel!!!
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