A storm hit sunday dec. 14th and the snow was on and off all week. Sierra's school was canceled all week! It was a light storm compared to what hit us saturday dec. 20th. They said it was going to be a big one but I dont think anyone had this in mind. This is the most snow I have seen in Portland in my 32 years I have lived here! We got about 6 inches on saturday and 3/4 of an inch of freezing rain yesterday. That is what Kayla and Sierra were playing in! It snowed yesterday (sunday) and we woke up today to another 4 inches and it's still snowing! We have about 12 inches at least in our back yard! The good news, I can work from home and Aaron has the week off. The REALLY bad news.....Aaron's family left on Saturday to spend the holidays with us and have been stuck in california the last two days. We are still waiting to hear when and if they will get here. Enjoy the snow and stay warm! Looks like it's going to be a white christmas!!!
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